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Twine Design

Hello friends! If you have been following me, you are probably catching on to the fact that I like to add small touches that have a big impact on my home décor pieces. This post is no different.

Today, I am going to show you how something super simple can change the look of home décor you already have lying around the house. Or you can use this idea for those items you want to purchase, but are on the fence about them because they just have something missing. Now I realize this look isn’t for everyone, but if you read the blog title and you are still here with me, you are bound to love it!

All you will need is the item you want to update, a hot glue gun and dun dun duunnn… Twine!

It really is so simple! Just wrap the twine around your décor piece, cut to size, then glue it on!


They were pretty as is, but just didn’t go with the feel of the look I was going for.


The difference is so slight, but it was just enough to change the candle holders to match my other décor. I love moving pieces from room to room, and the twine update gives me the freedom to allow my pieces to have more than one look, as you can easily remove the twine if need be! Obviously with the twine design added, these won’t be staying in this room, but the lighting was right. Hehe..

Here is a look at some other things I’ve added some ‘twine design’ to:

If you’d like to see the technique I used to paint this flower vase, click {here}

The twine wrapped bottle was an old wine bottle! Isn’t it such a simple update, yet so beautiful!?

Welp, that’s it! I love this simple update that anybody can do. All you need is a vision…and twine of course! I would love to see how you use twine as home décor. Post your photos, comments, or questions below. And as always, have a happy day!

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